THANK YOU Californians! Together, we defeated this naked power grab by the party and politicians currently in power. Proposition 27 failed by nearly a 60% margin!
- Proposition 27 appears on the November 2010 ballot in California.
- If passed, Proposition 27 would essentially eliminate the redistricting reforms created by 2008's Proposition 11 and return the responsibility of redrawing political boundaries back to the California State Legislature.
- The California Legislature is dominated by members of a single political party with nearly a 2-to-1 majority.
- Every major California newspaper recommends NO on PROPOSITION 27.
- In an apparent naked power grab, twenty-six (26) self-serving incumbent Californian politicians, all Democrats, support and fund the committee in favor of Proposition 27.
- The list of politicians includes the current U.S. Speaker of the House and both the current and former Speakers of the California Assembly.
- Many of the U.S. Congressional Representatives on the list are also members of the Congresional Progressive Caucus, who typically represent the far-left wing of the Democratic Party.
- Big-money donors to the Democratic party are major contributors, including a $2,000,000 ($2 MILLION) donation from billionaire media mogul Haim Saban. Controversial billionaire investor George Soros is also a major contributor. At least four billionaires have contributed.
- Labor unions, a traditional ally of the Democratic Party, are also major contributors, including $1,250,000 ($1.25 MILLION) from the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) union, $1 MILLION from the American Federation of Teachers union, and $500,000 from a front organization for the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners union, and $200,000 from the Service Employees International Union (SEIU).
- Many of the poltician's campaigns are also directly funded by the same unions.
- The California Democratic Party also contributed $375,000.
- Many of those funding Proposition 27 also funded the campaign against the 2005 redistricting reform, or No on Prop. 77.
Remember when the Democratic Party represented the common man? Remember when the Democratic Party fought to empower "The People"? Remember when the Democratic Party fought against the big money that corrupts politics? California's ballot Proposition 27 reveals the true face of the modern California Democratic Party, currently dominated by Progressives! The hypocrisy behind Proposition 27 is staggering, even by California standards.
What is Proposition 27? According to the California Legislative Analyst's Office, it is designed to block the necessary reforms mandated by an earlier ballot proposition, Proposition 11. Proposition 11 empowers a balanced, non-partisan Citizens Redistricting Commission to redraw the highly-Gerrymandered political districts in California.
Why did Californians pass Proposition 11 that created the Citizens Redistricting Commission?
- Many California citizens felt that their state assembly and senate districts were Gerrymandered by Legislators to ensure that incumbent politicians were guaranteed re-election in non-competitive elections.
- Many citizens felt that public-employee and union money unduly influenced California's elections and Legislators.
- Many citizens wanted control for drawing political districts removed from the Legislature and placed in the hands of a non-partisan citizens commissions.
The people and organizations that are financing support for Proposition 27 are a very interesting and revealing mix of the Democratic Party establishment, incumbent California Democratic politicians, labor unions, and secretive big-money donors to ... you guessed it ... the Democratic Party.
The list of donors supporting Proposition 27 is available here and is updated as public-disclosure forms are filed.
Here is another source for the same information, courtesy of the California Secretary of State.
Democratic Party Establishment
The California Democratic Party contributed directly to support Proposition 27. Why? Because the Democratics apparently have the most to lose in free and fair elections. The party has carefully cobbled together a financing support network with various labor interests.
Democratic State Central Committee of California
- $375,000 contribution
Which incumbent Democratic politicians are attempting to protect their political careers in open contradiction to the will of the people? The list includes the current Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, and the both the current and former Speakers of the California Assembly.
Many of these same politicians are heavily funded by the unions that are funding support for Proposition 27, as listed later. Many of the Congressional Representatives on the list are also members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, whom represent the left-wing of the Democratic Party, known simply as the Progressives.
"Twenty thousand [dollars] is nothing to keep your seat. I spend $2 million [dollars campaigning] every year. If my colleagues are smart, they'll pay their $20,000, and Michael [Berman, brother of Proposition 27 funder Howard Berman] will draw the district they can win in. Those who have refused to pay? God help them."
- Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives
- Nancy Pelosi for Congress: $10,000
- Former member of the Congressional Progressive Caucus but relinquished her membership when she became Speaker of the House
- AFSCME, Plumbers/Pipefitters, IBEW, and AFT are major contributors
- profile for Nancy Pelosi
- Also contributed to No on Prop. 77
- The CA-8 district map
- Leadership of Today & Tommorrow PAC: $10,000, affliated with Xavier Becerra
- Member of the Congressional Progressive Caucus
- AFSME, SEIU, IBEW, Teamsters are major contributors
- profile for Xavier Becerra
- Also contributed to No on Prop. 77
- The CA-31 district map suggests Gerrymandering through North Hollywood and Los Angeles
- Berman for Congress: $10,000
- AFSCME, Operating Engineers, and Carpenters & Joiners unions are major contributors
- Howard Berman was the single-largest recipient of campaign contributors from the individuals contributing to Proposition 27.
- profile for Howard L. Berman
- Considered by some to by the driving force behind Proposition 27
- Howard Berman's brother is Michael Berman
- Michael Berman was a paid consultant for Democrats during the 2001 California redistricting process and others
- Michael Berman acknowledged that the 2001 redistricting protected incumbents, Democratic and Republican, his brother included
- Howard Berman is Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee
- In a 2008 Jerusalem Post interview, Howard Berman said "Israel's security and the US-Israeli relationship is for me an issue that shapes my whole agenda [in] Congress, and guides it."
- Howard Berman is an ardent supporter of Israel, which may have prompted Haim Saban to contribute $2 MILLION
- Also contributed to No on Prop. 77
- The CA-28 district map shows Gerrymandering through Van Nuys
- Friends of Lois Capps: $10,000
- IBEW, AFSCME, Carpenters & Joiners, Operating Engineers, AFT, and fire fighter unions are major contributors
- profile for Lois Capps
- Also contributed to No on Prop. 77
- The CA-23 district map is perhaps the best example of a highly-Gerrymandered district, covering just select coastal communities. The district is 200 miles long and only 100 yards wide in some places. Voters joke that it sometimes disappears during high tide.

- TruePAC - Concerned Citizens including Judy Chu to Support Proposition 27: $125,000
- Judy Chu for Congress: $10,000
- Possible connections to another $90,000 from the Californians for Trust, Responsibility, Unity, and Empowerment PAC listed below
- Member of the Congressional Progressive Caucus
- AFT, Carpenters & Joiners, AFSCME, IBEW, and Operating Engineers unions are major contributors
- profile for Judy Chu
- Spouse of California Assemblyman Mike Eng, who also funds Proposition 27
- The CA-32 district map also shows signs of Gerrymandering
- Anna Eshoo for Congress: $10,000
- Plumbers/Pipefitters, AFSCME, and IBEW unions are major contributors
- profile for Anna Eshoo
- Also contributed to No on Prop. 77
- The CA-14 district map shows Gerrymandering. I almost live in this district. I live just outside one of the zig-zags.
- Friends of Farr: $20,000
- Member of the Congressional Progressive Caucus
- IBEW, AFSCME, Plumbers/Pipefitters, Carpenters & Joiners unions, and AFT are major contributors
- profile for Sam Farr
- Also contributed to No on Prop. 77
- The CA-17 district map
- Mike Honda for Congress: $10,000
- Member of the Congressional Progressive Caucus
- IBEW, Operating Engineers, AFT, and AFSCME unions are major contributors
- profile for Michael Honda
- Also contributed to No on Prop. 77
- The CA-15 district map shows Gerrymandering
- Barbara Lee for Congress: $10,000
- Member of the Congressional Progressive Caucus
- IBEW, AFSCME, Carpenters & Joiners, and Operating Engineers unions are major contributors
- profile for Barbara Lee
- Also contributed to No on Prop. 77
- CA-9 district map
- Lofgren for Congress: $10,000
- IBEW and AFSCME unions are major contributors
- profile for Zoe Lofgren
- Also contributed to No on Prop. 77
- The CA-16 district map indicates Gerrymandering
- Matsui for Congress: $10,000
- Plumbers/Pipefitters, IBEW, Operating Engineers, and AFSCME unions are major contributors
- The CA-5 district map indicates Gerrymandering
- Richardson for Congress: $5,000
- Member of the Congressional Progressive Caucus
- IBEW, AFT, Plumbers/Pipefitters, and AFSCME unions are major contributors
- Included on the 2008 CREW's Most Corrupt Members of Congress list (CREW = Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington)
- Included on the 2009 CREW's Most Corrupt: The 15 Most Corrupt Members of Congress list
- Included on the 2010 CREW's Most Corrupt: Unfinished Business list
- profile for Laura Richardson
- The CA-37 district map indicates Gerrymandering
- Lucille Roybal-Allard for Congress: $10,000
- Member of the Congressional Progressive Caucus
- All the unions involved with Proposition 27, except AFT, are Top-20 contributors to Lucille Roybal-Allard
- profile for Lucille Roybal-Allard
- Also contributed to No on Prop. 77
- The CA-34 district map
- Committee to Re-elect Linda Sanchez: $25,000
- Member of the Congressional Progressive Caucus
- IBEW, AFSCME, Operating Engineers, Carpenters & Joiners, and AFT unions are major contributors
- profile for Linda Sanchez
- Sister of Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez, who recently was caught making racist remarks against constituents in her district
- Also contributed to No on Prop. 77
- The CA-39 district map indicates Gerrymandering
- Adam Schiff for Congress: $10,000
- Operating Engineers, IBEW, and Plumbers/Pipefitters unions are major contributors
- profile for Adam Schiff
- Also contributed to No on Prop. 77
- The CA-29 district map indicates Gerrymandering
- Jackie Speier for Congress: $10,000
- Plumbers/Pipefitters and Operating Engineers unions are major contributors
- profile for Jackie Speier
- The CA-12 district map
- Diane E. Watson for Congress: $20,000
- Vice-chairperson of the Congressional Progressive Caucus
- AFSCME, Operating Engineers, IBEW, and AFT unions are major contributors
- Also contributed to No on Prop. 77
- The CA-33 district map indicates Gerrymandering
- Woolsey for Congress: $5,000
- Co-chairperson of the Congressional Progressive Caucus
- IBEW, AFSCME, AFT, and Plumbers/Pipefitters unions are major contributors
- profile for Lynn Woolsey
- The CA-6 district map
- Did NOT directly contribute to Yes on Proposition 27
- Solidarity PAC contributed $10,000
- According to, George Miller is affiliated with Solidarity PAC, his leadership Political Action Committee (PAC)
- Member of the Congressional Progressive Caucus
- All the unions involved with Proposition 27, except AFT, are Top-20 contributors to George Miller
- Also contributed to No on Prop. 77
- The CA-7 district map indicates Gerrymandering

- Padilla for Senate: $39,000
- California 2020 Senator Alex Padilla's Ballot Measure Committee: $21,572
- AFSCME and California Pipe Trades Council unions are major contributors
- Current California Assembly Speaker
- Building California's Future: John A. Perez Ballot Measure Committee: $49,000
- California Pipe Trades Council and California Operating Engineers unions are major contributors
- Former California Assembly Speaker
- Speaker Karen Bass Strengthening California through Leadership Ballot Measure Committee: $30,000
- Karen Bass for Assembly 2008: $20,000
- Carpenters unions are major contributors
- Now a candidate for U.S. Congress in the 33rd Congressional District
- Bob Blumenfield for Assembly 2010: $85,000
- California Pipe Trades and Carpenters unions are major contributors
- Charles Calderon for Assembly 2010: $100,000
- California Pipe Trades unions are major contributors
- Mike Eng for Assembly 2010: $100,000
- Operating Engineers unions are major contributors
- Spouse of Congresswoman Judy Chu, who also funds Proposition 27
- Also contributed to No on Prop. 77
- Felipe Fuentes Reform California Ballot Measure Committee: $20,000
- Fuentes for Assembly 2010: $10,000
- California Pipe Trades unions are major contributors
- Skinner for Assembly 2010: $30,000
- Electrical Workers, California Pipe Trades, and Operating Engineers are major contributors
- Friends of Bill Monning: $5,000
- California Pipe Trades, Electrical Workers, Firefighters, and Teachers unions are major contributors
The following labor unions are long-time allies of California Democrats and heavily fund the campaigns of the incumbent Democrats listed above. Among the California Congressional Representatives listed, these unions contributed nearly $3.8 million to their campaigns during their careers.

(also view spreadsheet at
- AFSCME: $1,250,000 ($1.25 MILLION!) contribution
- AFSCME is a labor union; a member of the AFL-CIO
- #2 on the top campaign contributors list, contributing 98% of their member's money to Democrats
- information page for AFSCME
- According to Influence Explorer, AFSCME was a major contributor to former California governor Gray Davis, removed from office by a recall election.
- According to, AFSCME has contributed over $850,000 to the California Congressional Representatives listed above. AFSCME is a Top-20 contributor to all but one member.
- New York Times article mentioning AFSCME, "Soft Money Lives: Democrats Take In $12 Million (2 Gifts)," March 2002
- Also contributed to No on Prop. 77
- $1,000,000 ($1 MILLION) contribution
- AFT is a labor union; a member of the AFL-CIO
- #13 on the top campaign contributors list, contributing 98% of their member's money to Democrats
- information page for AFT
- According to Influence Explorer, AFT was a major contributor to many politicians in Illinois.
- AFT was a major contributor to former California Governor Gray Davis, removed from office by a recall election.
- AFT was a major contributor to former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich, removed from office by impeachment.
- According to, AFT has contributed over $330,000 to the California Congressional Representatives listed above.
- Working for Working Americans: $500,000. This group appears to be partially-activated advocacy group dating back to the 2008 Presidential campaign, originally supporting John Edwards
- The Carpenters and Joiners Union contributed the vast majority of the money to "Working for Working Americans", over $4 million to this 527 group
- Major expenditures from Working for Working Americans were to the California Democratic Party and the National Democratic Redistricting Trust
- The Carpenters and Joiners Union is #12 on the top campaign contributors list, contributing 89% of their member's money to Democrats
- information page "Working for Working Americans"
- $200,000 contribution from California State Council of Service Employees Political Issues Committee
- #11 on the top campaign contributors list, contributing 92% of their member's money to Democrats
- Largest contributor to independent 527 political committees in the 2004, 2006, 2008, and 2010 elections.
- Second largest political spender in California politics, according to the California Fair Political Practices Commission special report, "Big Money Talks," page 10.
- Influence Explorer profile for the Service Employees International Union.
- SEIU was a major contributor to former California Governor Gray Davis, removed from office by a recall election.
- SEIU was a major contributor to former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich, removed from office by impeachment.
- SEIU has also worked in conjuction with George Soros, another contributor in favor of Proposition 27, via The Fund for America.
- Also contributed to No on Prop. 77
- $100,000 contribution
- A member of the AFL-CIO
- The International Association of Fire Fighters is a public-sector union associated with the AFL-CIO
- #45 on the top campaign contributors list, contributing 81% of their member's money to Democrats
- Also contributed to No on Prop. 77
Various Electrical Workers unions contributed over $150,000 combined. According to, IBEW contributed over $780,000 to the California Congressional Representatives listed above and is a Top-20 donor to all but two members.
- The International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers is a member union of the AFL-CIO
- California State Association of Electrical Workers: $50,000
- International Brotherhood of Electric Workers (IBEW) Educational Committee: $50,000
- International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) Local No. 47: $50,000
- The International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) is #6 on the top campaign contributors list, contributing 97% of their member's money to Democrats
- information page for IBEW
- Also contributed to No on Prop. 77
- California State Pipe Trades Council of the United Association: $50,000
- Plumbers & Pipefitters Local 447: $25,000
- Pumbers & Steamfitters Union No. 467: $10,000
- Plumbers & Pipefitters Union is #45 on the top campaign contributors list, contributing 94% of their member's money to Democrats
- information page for Plumbers/Pipefitters Union
- DRIVE Committee: $25,000 contribution
- The DRIVE Committee is a voter education project of the Teamsters Union
- #10 on the top campaign contributors list, contributing 93% of their member's money to Democrats
- information page for Teamsters Union
- According to Influence Explorer, the Teamsters Union was a major contributor to former California Governor Gray Davis, removed from office by a recall election
- According to Influence Explorer, the Teamsters Union was a major contributor to former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich, removed from office by impeachment
- According to, the Teamsters Union has contributed over $690,000 to the California Congressional Representatives listed above.
The following list is especially ironic given President Obama's apparent concern about groups like Americans for Prosperity (AFP) and the Koch brothers. Is the President more comfortable with this group? Why are so many out-of-state people and organizations attempting to influence California's elections? Oh, the hypocrisy of it all.

This following list only includes individuals contributing more than $20,000 as of 30-SEPT-2010. Only contributions exceeding $50,000 are highlighted in red. There are other smaller contributors listed here. The individuals are listed from largest contribution, downward.
Haim Saban
- $2,000,000 ($2 MILLION!) contribution
- Billionaire media mogul
- NNDB profile for Haim Saban
- SourceWatch reference
- Influence Explorer reference
- Chairman and Chief Executive Office of Saban Capital Group
- Saban Capital Group is #83 on's Heavy Hitters List with 99% of contributions going to Democrats (detail view)
- Top recipient in 2010 from Saban Capital Group is Congresswoman Judy Chu, listed above
- Los Angeles Times, "Saban gives $2 million to change redistricting law"
- Forbes Magazine, "Haim Saban And Charles Munger Jr. Duke It Out"
- In an interview, his “three ways to be influential in American politics,”were to make donations to political parties, establish think tanks, and control media outlets.
- New York Times article mentioning Haim Saban, "Soft Money Lives: Democrats Take In $12 Million (2 Gifts)," March 2002
- #6 on 2000 top individual donors list, giving 99% to Democrats; contributions exceeded $1 MILLION
- #2 on 2002 top individual donors list, giving 100% to Democrats; contributions exceeded $9.3 MILLION
- #23 on 2010 top individual donors list (the year isn't over), giving 98% to Democrats
- Donated between $5-10 MILLION to the William J. Clinton Foundation
- Allegedly threatened to withhold campaign contributions to Nancy Pelosi if she did not select Jane Harman as the Chair of the House Intelligence Committee
- CorporationWiki profile
- profile
- Portfolio Magazine article, "Haim Saban, Power Ranger"
- Los Angeles Times article, "Haim Saban, friend to Israel and Democrats"
- The New Yorker Magazine article, "The Influencer"
- Pro-Israel policy influencer, "Meet Isreali Influence Peddler Haim Saban"
- Also contributed to No on Prop. 77
- $100,000 contribution
- #18 on 2002 top individual donors list, giving 100% to Democrats; contributions exceeded $1 MILLION
- Legal residence outside of California
- profile
- Listed as a funder for "Pelosi's Puppets"
- Donated between $50,000 to $100,000 to the William J. Clinton Foundation
- Also contributed to No on Prop. 77
- Probable Shadow Party member, major funder of 527 committees supporting Democrats
- $100,000 contribution
- Legal residence outside of California
- #15 on 2008 top individual donors list, giving 99% to Democrats; contributions exceed $263,000
- According to Influence Explorer, Peter G. Angelos a major donor to the Democratic Party, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, and Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee with 96% of contributions going to Democrats
- Personal injury attorney with the Law Offices of Peter A. Angelos
- According to Influence Explorer, the Law Offices of Peter A. Angelos is also a major contributor to Democrats, including Nancy Pelosi
- Majority owner of the Baltimore Orioles
- According to Influence Explorer, there are additional contributions to Democrats via the Angelos Law Office/Baltimore Orioles connection with 97% going to Democrats
- profile
- #1 contributor to Nancy Pelosi's 2010 campaign
- Also contributed to No on Prop. 77
- $100,000 contribution
- Legal residence outside of California
- NNDB profile
- Influence Explorer profile shows that 98% of contributions went to Democrats
- SourceWatch reference
- #2 on 2008 top individual donors list to 527s; contributed $5 MILLION
- George Soros and relatives Jennifer, Jonathan, and Robert each gave $50,000 to the Obama Inauguration for a total of $200,000
- Controversial billionaire funder of various left-of-center political organizations including the Open Society Institute, the Center for American Progress, and the Huffington Post
- The Soros Foundation gave between $500,000 to $1 MILLION to the William J. Clinton Foundation
- profile
- article, "Capital Rivals: Koch Brothers vs. George Soros"
- Organizer of the Shadow Party
- $100,000 contribution
- Contributed over $30,000 each to the Democratic Senate Campaign Committee (DSCC) and the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC), as well as to various Democratic politicians nationwide
- Vice-President/Secretary of the Wasserman Foundation
- profile
- The Wasserman Foundation donated between $5 MILLION to $10 MILLION to the William J. Clinton Foundation
- Also contributed to No on Prop. 77
- $100,000 contribution
- Out-of-state contribution
- New York Times article mentioning Fred Eychaner, "Soft Money Lives: Democrats Take In $12 Million (2 Gifts)," March 2002
- #11 on 2010 top individual political donors list, giving 34% to Democrats, 0% to Republicans; contributions exceeded $265,000
- #7 on 2010 top contributors to 527 organizations
- #1 on 2010 contributors to America Votes ($300,000)
- #3 on 2010 contributors to EMILY's List Non-Federal ($250,000)
- blog post on EMILY's List contributions
- Influence Explorer profile
- Contributed over $30,000 to the Democratic Senate Campaign Committee and over $15,000 to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee in 2010
- Owner of Newsweb Corporation, a publisher of ethnic and alternative newspapers in the United States, based in Chicago, Illinois. The company also owns several radio stations in the Chicago area and a television station in Sterling, Colorado.
- Influence Explorer profile for Newsweb Corporation
- profile for Fred Eychaner
- Newsweb Corp. is #100 on the on the top campaign contributors list, contributing 100% of its money to Democrats
- profile for Newsweb Corp.
- Donated between $10-25 MILLION to the William J. Clinton Foundation
- Donated $10,000 maximum to the Clinton Legal Defense Fund
- Contributed $50,000 to the Obama Inauguration
- Hosted a fundraiser for candidate Obama in 2008 in his home
- Founder and Chairman of the Alphawood Foundation
- Named to Board of Trustees of the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts by President Obama
- Forbes Magazine profile (2002)
- Also contributed to No on Prop. 77
- Probable Shadow Party member, major funder of 527 committees supporting Democrats
- $100,000 contribution
- CEO/Chairman of Dolphin Capital Holdings, Inc.
- Former CEO of SM&A, a firm that works with companies on government procurement and projects
- Forbes profile on Steven S. Myers
- CorporationWiki profile on Steven S. Myers
- The Full Wiki profile on Steven Myers
- profile on Steven Myers
- Contributed $60,400 to the Democratic National Committee (DNC) in 2010
- Contributed $30,400 to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) in 2010
- See $100,000 contribution from Zenith Insurance Company below
- $50,000 contribution
- Legal residence outside of California
- Contributed over $30,000 total to the Democratic Senate Campaign Committee (DSCC) and the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC), as well as to various Democratic politicians nationwide
- Honorary chairman of the Israel Policy Forum
- 1996 Mother Jones article on his political giving
- profile
- President/Chairman of the Board of Phibro Animal Health Corporation
- According to Influence Explorer, Phibro Animal Health contributes 96% to Democrats
- Donated between $25,000 to $50,000 to the William J. Clinton Foundation
- Also contributed to No on Prop. 77
- $25,000 contribution
- Contributed over $30,000 total to the Democratic Senate Campaign Committee (DSCC) and the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC), as well as to various Democratic politicians nationwide
- Presidential Elector in 2004
- Considered one of America's most influential trial lawyers
- Attorney with Cotchett, Pitre & McCarthy
- According to Influence Explorer, Cotchett, Pitre & McCarthy is a major contributor to many of the other U.S. Representatives that are funding Proposition 27: Anna Eshoo, Jackie Speier. 99% of their contributions go to Democrats. Senator Barbara Boxer is also a major recipient. The firm gave $160,000 to the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee.
- profile
- $25,000 contribution
- Legal residence outside of California
- NNDB profile
- Contributed over $20,000 to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC)
- Contributed $50,000 to the Obama Inauguration
- Former U.S. Ambassador to Austria, appointed by President Clinton
- profile for Kathryn Hall
- Married to Craig Hall, President of Hall Financial Group, who has also given tens of thousands of dollars to Democratic Party causes
- According to Influence Explorer, 100% of Hall Financial's contributions go to Democrats
- profile for Craig Hall.
- Proprietor of Hall Wines in Napa Valley
- Kathryn and Craig Hall donated between $100,000 to $250,000 to the William J. Clinton Foundation
- Also contributed to No on Prop. 77
- $25,000 contribution
- SourceWatch reference
- Contributed over $30,000 to the Democratic National Committee (DNC)
- CEO of Astrale e Tierra Winery
- According to Influence Explorer, 100% of contributions from Astrale e Tierra Winery go to Democrats
- profile
- Also contributed to No on Prop. 77
- $25,000 contribution
- Real estate investor with Grand-Sakwa Properties, with a Michigan address
- Contributed to a variety of Democratic causes
- Board member of American Friends of Koret Israel Economic Development Funds
- Contributor to Northern Californians for Good Government
- profile
- Also contributed to No on Prop. 77
- $25,000 contribution
- Chairman of real estate firm Marcus & Millichap
- Regent of the University of California, appointed by Governor Gray Davis
- According to Influence Explorer, Marcus & Millicap is a major contributor to many of the other U.S. Representatives that are funding Proposition 27: Anna Eshoo, Nancy Pelosi, Mike Honda, Zoe Lofgren, and Jackie Speier. Over 90% of their contributions go to Democrats.
- Major contributor to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee
- CorporationWiki profile
- profile
- Listed as a funder for "Pelosi's Puppets"
- Donated between $250,000 to $500,000 to the William J. Clinton Foundation
- Forbes magazine profile on George M. Marcus
- Also contributed to No on Prop. 77
- $25,000 contribution
- NNDB profile for Stewart A. Resnick
- CorporationWiki profile for Stewart Resnick
- SourceWatch profile for Stewart A. Resnick
- Influence Explorer profile for Stewart Resnick
- profile for Stewart Resnick
- Political Friendster profile for Stewart A. Resnick
- profile for Stewart A. Resnick
- President and Chairman of Roll International Corporation
- Influence Explorer profile for Roll International Corporation
- Roll International was a Top 20 contributor to the Democratic National Committee in 2006 with a $63,500 contribution
- Roll International Corporation was a major contributor of over $275,000 to former California Governor Gray Davis, removed from office by voter recall.
- Roll International is a major contributor to some of the politicians contributing to Proposition 27, including Adam Schiff and Howard Berman
- Roll International paid lobbying firm Heather Podesta and Partners $350,000 between 2008 and 2010. Heather Podesta was former Counsel to Robert Matsui, whose wife, Doris Matsui, replaced him upon his death in office. Heather Podesta is sister in law to John Podesta. John Podesta is currently President of the George Soros-founded Center for American Progress, was former White House Chief of Staff during the Clinton Administration, and was co-chairman of the Obama Administration transition team. Heather Podesta is also a major fundraiser for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC).
- Stewart Resnick is married to Lynda Rae Resnick
- NNDB profile for Lynda Rae Resnick
- SourceWatch profile for Lynda Rae Resnick
- profile for Lynda Rae Resnick
- Influence Explorer profile for Lynda Rae Resnick
- Lynda Resnick is a columnist for the left-leaning Huffington Post
- $20,000 contribution
- Legal address outside of California
- Contributed over $30,000 to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC)
- Attorney at Galloway & Associates
- According to Influence Explorer, Galloway & Associates contributes 100% to Democrats, including other U.S. Representatives that are funding Proposition 27: Howard Berman
- profile
Zenith Insurance Company
- $100,000 contribution
- Engaged nationally in the workman's compensation insurance business
- A wholly-owned subsidiary of Fairfax Financial Holdings Limited
- Influence Explorer profile for Zenith Insurance
- Stanley R. Zax is President/Chairman of the Board at Zenith Insurance Company
- Stanley R. Zax contributed over $30,000 to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) and contributed to Nancy Pelosi's and Harry Reid's campaigns
- Stanley R. Zax is a trustee of The Center for the Study of the Presidency and Congress
- profile
- CorporationWiki profile
- $10,000 contribution
- No web site found
- Is an active corporation according to the State of California
- The contact address for Thirty-O-Seven, Inc. is in the Clarity Partners LP building
- The contact address is 0.9 miles from Berman & D'Agostino Campaigns
- Also contributed to No on Prop. 77
- Contributed $25,000 to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee in 2000
- CorporationWiki profile
The following political action committees (PACs) also made contributions, but are not directly associated with either the politicians or unions listed above. The $125,000 from TruePAC was directly associated with Congesswoman Judy Chu.

- $90,000 contribution
- There is no web site for this PAC
- Bill Wong, the PAC contact person of record, was former Chief of Staff to Judy Chu when she was a California Assemblywoman. Judy Chu is now a U.S. Congressional Representative
- Bill Wong, the PAC contact person of record, was Legislative Director to Mike Honda when he was in the California Assembly. Mike Honda is now a U.S. Congressional Representative
- Bill Wong, the PAC contact person of record, was Chief of Staff and Press Secretary to then State Senator Hilda Solis. Hilda Solis is currently the U.S. Secretary of Labor in the Obama Administration
- Judy Chu and Mike Honda are current members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus.
- Hilda Solis was a former chairperson of the Congressional Progressive Caucus.
- $10,000 contribution
- Affliliated with Congressman George Miller, who is also a member of the Congressional Progressive Caucus
- Influence Explorer reference
- Funded by a variety of interests, both corporations and unions
- Also funded by other political action committees (PACs)
- Also contributed to No on Prop. 77
- $25,000 contribution
- Influence Explorer profile
I am sure that it is just an amazing coincidence, but many of those funding Proposition 27 also funded the 2005 redistricting ballot initiative, Proposition 77. Proposition 77 was a previous attempt at redistricting reform that failed at the ballot box. Proposition 77 differed in many ways from Proposition 11, approved by voters in 2008.
It is interesting that the same names and coalitions arrayed against redistricting reform in 2005 are allied again in 2010 for Proposition 27, whose aim is to eliminate the Proposition 11 reforms.
Here are some of the other strange and amazing coincidences between Proposition 27 and 2005’s Proposition 77.
- Chairman of Proposition 77 was Dan Lowenstein. Dan Lowenstein signed the Arguments in favor of Proposition 27.
- The Proposition 77 campaign consultant was Berman & D’Agostino Campaigns.
- The Berman in the company name is Michael Berman.
- Michael Berman was central to the 2001 California redistricting plan.
- Michael Berman’s brother is U.S. Congressman Howard Berman.
- Howard Berman contributed to both Yes on Proposition 27 and No on Proposition 77.
- Many of the U.S. Congress Representatives that fund Proposition 27 also funded No on Proposition 77 , including Nancy Pelosi, Howard Berman, Linda Sanchez (and her sister Loretta Sanchez), Barbara Lee, Lois Capps, Zoe Lofgren, Anna Eshoo, Mike Honda, Sam Farr, George Miller, Diane Watson, Adam Schiff, and Lucille Roybal-Allard.
- Assemblyman Mike Eng funded both No on Proposition 77 and Yes on Proposition 27.
- Many of the same unions funding Proposition 27 also funded No on Proposition 77, including AFSCME, IBEW, umbrella organization AFL-CIO, and the Fire Fighters union.
- Many of the same well-connected, big-money donors funding Proposition 27 also funded No on Proposition 77, including Haim Saban, Peter G. Angelos, Lois Gund, Edith Wasserman, Kathryn Hall, Fred Eychaner, C. Paul Johnson, George M. Marcus, Stephen Grand
- Stealthful Thirty-O-Seven, Inc. and Amir Development Corp. funded both No on Proposition 77 and Yes on Proposition 27.
- Other interesting funders of No on Proposition 77 were Congressman Barney Frank (another member of the Congressional Progressive Caucus), and screenwriters Aaron Sorkin and Norman Lear.
- I ask for your NO vote on Proposition 27. Other groups not only advocate for NO on Proposition 27 but also for YES on Proposition 20, which would allow the Citizens Redistricting Commission to redraw the U.S. Congressional districts for California. I have not yet determined my position on Proposition 20.
- I attempt to be fair and accurate in presenting this information and provide links to my references. If you find an error or believe that I am unfairly presenting the information based on available facts, please let me know via the comments section and I will review the specific information. I will post all comments about corrections unless you specifically ask me not to post your comment.
- If you know of other information that I am missing on this post, please let me know via the comments section.
- Public television station KCET, "VIDEO: Between the Lines," a short but excellent introduction to the topic.
- League of Women Voters of California, "Fight the Scheme to Gut Redistricting Reform"
- Common Cause of California on Proposition 20 and Proposition 27
- Los Angeles Times editorial, "Drawing the lines: Democrats prosper by drawing themselves solidly Democratic seats, and Republicans benefit equally by lines drawn to protect their elected officials. It's time to undo this system, so yes on Prop. 20 and no on Prop. 27."
- Los Angeles Times, "Nancy Pelosi, congressional Democrats weigh in on redistricting measure"
- Capitol Weekly, "Incumbent Democrats open wallets to abolish redistricting commission"
- Bakersfield Californian editorial, "Redistricting: Yes on Prop. 20, no on Prop. 27"
- Mercury News editorial, "Vote yes on Prop. 20, no on Prop 27"
- Fresno Bee, "Democrat's goal with Prop. 27: Confuse and conquer"
- Press Telegram, "Yes on Prop. 20, no on Prop. 27"
- Fox&Hounds Daily, "Voters Beware - Prop 27 has Big Teeth"
- Sacramento Bee, "More Dems pony up for Prop. 27"
- Facts About Proposition 27: The Politician Power Grab
- FlashReport, "Look Who's Funding No on 20/Yes on 27 - Self Interested Politicians and Big Labor..."
- Ventura County Star, "Prop. 27, budget mess again show pols' selfishness"
- Daily Democrat, "Yes and no votes for Props. 20, 27"
- The Press Enterprise, "Support Prop. 20; reject Prop. 27"
- Contra Costa Times editorial, "We recommend yes on Proposition 20, no on 27"
- Capitol Weekly, "Political fight over redistricting spills into the Capitol, ballot"
- Capitol Weekly, "Redistricting: This time around, where is the Burton team?"
- L.A. Weekly, "Pew poll says Americans hate government. Exhibit One: Howard Berman, gerrymander king"
- Orange County Registar editorial, "Prop. 27 would strangle redistricting reform in the cradle"
- Sacramento Bee, "Dan Morain: Donors give millions, hide their motives"
- The Bob Zadek Radio Show, "Prop 27 -- Redistricting", audio file, 47 minutes
- 30-OCT-2010: Added $10,000 contribution from Xavier Becerra's Leadership of Today & Tommorow PAC.
- 28-OCT-2010: Added the excellent overview on the topic by public television station KCET, called "Between the Lines." The California Democratic Central Committee increased their contribution to $375,000. Assemblyman Bill Monning contributed $5,000. As long expected, the California State Council of Service Employees Political Issues Committee, part of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) contributed $200,000.
- 19-OCT-2010: Corrected contribution for Pumbers & Steamfitters Union No. 467 (was $25,000, corrected to $10,000). Added new contributors Steven S. Myers ($100,000) and Santa Ynez Band of Mission Indians ($25,000). Added Congressional district maps. The CA-23 district map is particularly entertaining.
- 8-OCT-2010: Discovered interesting connections between those funding Proposition 27 and those funding the 2005 No on Proposition 77 effort. Found new information about Thirty-O-Seven, Inc.
- 7-OCT-2010: Added information on new Teamster Union contribution. Updated spreadsheet of union contributions to U.S. Congress Members. Updated chart of union contributions and Congress members.
- 5-OCT-2010: Added information on new contributors Fred Eychaner and the American Federation of Teachers (AFT). Noted that many of the unions are affiliated with the AFL-CIO. Updated chart showing contributions from labor unions. Updated chart showing major individual donors.
- 4-OCT-2010: Added link to The Bob Zadek Show on Proposition 27.
- 1-OCT-2010: Added chart showing Judy Chu connections to Proposition 27. Added profiles for Members of Congress. Discovered that Judy Chu and Mike Eng are married. Discovered that Howard Berman's brother is Michael Berman, who helped the Democrat-dominated California Legislature redraw district lines in 2001. Discovered how Howard Berman ties into the Israel connections. Added more background information links. Added quotation from Loretta Sanchez about the California 2001 redistricting process.
- 30-SEPT-2010: Corrected Representative Howard Berman's name. Was mistakenly listed as Bob Berman. Added new big-money individual donor, Stewart Resnick. Updated individual donor charts. Added this revision history list.
Thanks so much for your blog! It totally convinced me to vote unhesitatingly YES for Proposition 27!!
ReplyDeleteThanks again,
A CA voter who voted YES on Prop 27